Why Can't I Save as .WMZ?
Hello Everyone,
I'm needing some help with saving my WMP Skin in SkinStudio 5.
To start creating a Windows Media Player skin in SkinStudio, the only format I could select from the 'New File' menu was "Universal FreeForm Skin (UFF) for Windows Media Player", I judge this is normal. I then progress to create my skin.
However, it was only until recently where I decided to test the skin on Windows Media Player that I found there was no option to export/generate the skin file to an acceptable Windows Media Player format. I've found that my only option, .UFF files, definitly do not work with WMP, and I've made skins, like Flux and MediaPad for Windows Media Player before, however this time around, I'm unlucky.
The SkinStudio Toolbar is quite crude. The "Zip for Distribution" function suggests I can only save this file as .zip, .usz, .wba & .gui, yet I see no .wmz format which is the only function that anyone really needs to zip a skin for distribution. And the "Apply Current skin to System" button, which I am quite used to when making WindowBlinds skins, seems to do nothing.
The only ray of light i've found is in the "File > Save As.." menu, where I have 2 options of saving as "Universal Skin Format - Freeform" or "Windows Media Player". Obviously, I want to save the skin as "Windows Media Player" with hopes that SkinStudio will generate the Skinzip as a .wmz (or atleast functional with Windows Media Player), however, when ever I attempt to "Save As.." this format I get a wonderful error "Unable to Create Directory".
At this stage, it is impossible for me to actually create a functional Windows Media Player skin.
Does anyone have any suggestions to what I am doing wrong? Thanks for your help!
(Note: I am using SkinStudio 5.0.1 Build 1112 on Windows Vista Premium with Windows Media Player 11)